To start peeling through the information that will help you make the right choice, begin with finding out what program(s) the drug rehab centers follow. If the facility does not follow this, then find out which program they have and what the success rate is. Chances are, the success rate cannot be completely accurate, but it can be estimated on how many teenagers leave the facility with the determination to stay clean.
Some facilities treat these behavioral issues during the children's rehabilitation . Check for spiritual guidance as well, which could be very helpful. The 12-step program has this included and is excellent in guiding teenagers in the right direction.
You should be able to take a tour of the center and it is especially welcoming if you do not need to make an appointment. Ask if the facility is licensed. Those that are licensed typically treat their patients better and have a higher success rate.
Determine which type of rehab would work best for your children. There are various types available, such as outpatient and inpatient drug rehab treatment. Outpatient would allow your teenager to live at home and set up predetermined dates and times to meet with a counselor and receive their treatment.
This may also include a detoxing component, which is excellent for your teenager, as they face an extremely difficult path on the road to recovery. It can be dangerous; however, as the patient suffers through withdrawals, which is why going through detox in an inpatient program is a good idea.
Make sure that your rehab center for children’s offers extended care where your children can seek and attend support groups as well. It's important that they make connections and establish relationships so they know that they are not going through this alone.